We are an independent resale marketplace and are not affiliated with any performer, venue, or team.
Valid Tickets
Your tickets are 100% valid and authentic!
On Time
Your tickets will arrive in time for the event. 
Seats Together
Your seats will be side-by-side unless noted. 
Full Refund
You will receive a full refund for events that are canceled and not rescheduled.

Where do your tickets come from? 

We source our tickets from a network of trusted and reliable ticket resellers, promoters, travel agencies, corporate partners, and entertainment professionals. We rely on our decades of experience in the live events industry to identify sources that consistently deliver excellent value and consistent and quality service while maintaining the highest professional standards and complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and taxes. We are professionals who take pride in delivering unbelievable experiences to our customers, from the purchase process through ticket delivery and fulfillment to your attendance at the event and beyond. We only work with providers who share that level of commitment. 


Are you affiliated with any box office or ticketing platform?

We are proudly independent of any venue or ticketing platform because we believe this allows us to deliver the maximum selection and value to our customers. We work for our clients and use our decades of expertise in the industry to represent their best interests to the venues and their ticketing agents. We refuse to limit our customers or artificially inflate prices with price floors, required third-party fees, or excessive transfer restrictions imposed by primary sellers. We leverage our reputation and relationships to work well with everybody but are ultimately loyal to our customers. 


What if I don't see my event on your site? 

We offer tickets to thousands of events and experiences. We strive to include the broadest range of options, but maybe you're a fan of something that has flown below our radar. If you don't find an event on the site, reach out to us at support@ticketed.co and we'll get to work without network to find you options. 

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